Help! Can someone guide me on how i equip my artifacts pls!

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ps2three4 - 07.02.2024 01:08:06
Click on Green cog go to Profile, My Artifacts Showroom to add the one's you want to use.
ps2three4 - 07.02.2024 01:10:07
that is Profile -> Go to My Artifacts Showroom >. Not sure why I cannot edit my previous post.
john1kevin - 07.02.2024 01:54:01
I actually tried that already but there's no add button or something, it's just showing me the artifacts that I own
Thalatash - 07.02.2024 02:17:41
When you click on the artifacts you own, they don't show anything?
john1kevin - 07.02.2024 02:20:22
No I kept clicking but nothing it's just like I'm clicking on a picture
r3nk0 - 07.02.2024 02:35:25
Hey, I had the same problem — click on the little "GET STARTED" banner/flag thingy in the bottom-left corner, then click "Artifacts".. It'll send you over to a shop, where you are supposed to buy actually equippable "tutorial" artifacts!
r3nk0 - 07.02.2024 02:36:35
They only cost 1 ARP each and apparently this process is a sort of "gateway" to be actually able to equip anything. At least for me it seemed that way.
r3nk0 - 07.02.2024 02:38:07
Oh, also: the whole "GETTING STARTED" window gives ARP and introduces you to each and every feature on this site, you might wanna click those other links, too ;)
john1kevin - 07.02.2024 02:39:47
Thank u imma try that now appreciate it
john1kevin - 07.02.2024 02:47:03
Thank u it worked just fine. appreciate the help