Prey 2006 > Prey 2017
MiguelAngelOA - 09.01.2024 00:38:20
Oh yeah, and Dead Island Epidemic> Any Dead Island
DrowningInIt - 09.01.2024 03:37:45
I personally dislike the comparisons of the two titles, since they are not even in the same genre, nor are they attempting to craft similar experiences for the player. Both are excellent additions to their respective genres. Why not both??
RaPtUrA - 09.01.2024 08:53:17
Yeah, they are both great in their own way.
stuckbetween303 - 09.01.2024 14:37:30
I agree. Immersive sims are my favorite genre (System Shock, Thief, Deus Ex, Dishonored), amd I do love Prey 2017, but Prey 2006 means more to me. The story and characters are just so much better than in 2017.
DrowningInIt - 09.01.2024 19:10:10
@stuckbetween303 It really is stunning how both incarnations of the Prey trademark are excellent in such different ways. Inventive and timeless while being very different. I too prefer '06 Prey. oldschool, mechanically rich & innovative FPS
The_Badger._. - 09.02.2024 20:36:13
1999 DOOM > DOOM (2016) + ETERNAL, haha I'm such an old school head, I'm so quircky and unique because I like old games, every old game > new games just because.
DrowningInIt - 09.03.2024 04:44:49
@The_Badger._. I mean, I understand the point ur trying to make, and I mostly agree with the sentiment, but the example games are all like, almost perfect and don't really compete with one another so much in my eyes, at least not like Prey
DrowningInIt - 09.03.2024 04:46:36
Also, it's the opposite of Recency Bias in someone's logic. I'm unsure if there is a term for it like with Recency, but I would assume it would have Nostalgia in the name, lmao