Official Alienware Discord

  • 112

Hey Everyone!

This is going to be a shorter blog post than what I normally write, but I wanted to tell those who didn’t know that we have an official Alienware Discord server.

This Discord channel is for you to talk with other Alienware and Non-Alienware gamers and brand enthusiasts. Talk about anything Gaming related, talk about tech, show off your battle station & more!

We’ve been doing game code giveaways, AMA’s, community meetups with more activities planned for the future. We also have our partners in the channel so if you're interested in chatting or gaming with them, they're up for the invite!

Pardon our dust currently, some changes are also coming which should be exciting. I promise we've got some neat things in store for the future.

Join the community:

Replies • 6

Nice ,nothing worse than a wall of text ,point across short and sweet  :)