step off and axe master both last night..buggd.. now another step off that we can't complete tonight? yes not big deal...sure AW sort it out soon
aVoidDrama - 02.29.2024 06:01:46
Having the same issues here...
Werbemail - 02.29.2024 08:45:18
same here. Not a huge problem as we could collect ARP yesterday already. But still good to report the bug..
Not Ripley - 02.29.2024 10:24:32
If you did it yesterday you already got the rewards.
jsmith1976 - 02.29.2024 11:04:54
probably a leap year bug that pushed some of the minigame up earlier by one day yesterday... meaning if you've done it already yesterday, then you can't double dip in it today.
maramire - 02.29.2024 11:48:51
Since the big revamp, this whole site seems to have big issues
thacommoncold - 06.26.2024 04:14:29
fixed now