Game Vault is not working? Is open but i can't buy anything :/
Cat Chronicle - 07.19.2024 21:05:21
Same here
fungoid_mass - 07.19.2024 21:05:33
Why bother having an opening time if it doesn't work? lol
ikkimura - 07.19.2024 21:07:35
Friday 23'00 in Spain and here i am... F5-ing :/
Sparkyastic - 07.19.2024 21:10:29
Same here been clicking on the Gold Road since it opened :P
Niizawa - 07.19.2024 21:14:21
06:00 in japan... I'm sleepy...
vadimklose - 07.19.2024 21:18:30
Same and now The Elder Scrolls Online Deluxe Collection: Gold Road Out of Stock!... Nice Scam...
Windu007 - 07.19.2024 21:19:20
elder scrolls gold road deluxe out of stock... no grabbing was possible